87.2 Miles -Avg 13.2MPH Top Speed 40.2MPH
Total: 682.4 Miles

Awaking in a lovely bed was no motivation to arise early this morning. But arise I did, like a knight of the realm ready for battle. Black Betty was hungry for action and I was in no mood to deny the rampant wench. She gets angry when deprived and I wasn't prepared to play with fire. I started with a coffee with old Jon and after he gave me some of his and Linda’s music (I’ve not listened to it yet) I was on my way with a very grateful goodbye. Now, I chose to go off route today, this was because I knew how hilly the on-route map was and I don't mean to whine, but I was knackered and fed up with ups and downs, and because I had gone out of my way to stay with J&L, I was now equidistant to tonight’s destination via another route. And tonights destination was Boonville. That’s right Boonville.

Today was really about the cycling and little else, I put my foot down and felt great all day. I stopped only for food after 4 hours and the rest of the day was about pure rhythm, The Rhythm of the Day, if you like. I managed a real consistency of movement going and quickly settled into the highly sought after meditative state that can happen when things are running smoothly in the saddle. Despite my sore left knee, this was definitely the best day to ride so far.

There were two things that threw me both today and yesterday. The first being the number of closed businesses. Motel after motel was no longer in operation due to Interstate Highways removing their customer base and gas stations were left dilapidated as far as they eye could see. Even in the golden sun, these sights with overgrown weeds were really depressing. It makes you realise how oft forgotten parts of our societies can fail when the going gets tough. On the positive side of things, I noticed how few chain businesses were around. The USA is a country we associate with un-regulated commercialisation, but that hasn't been the case at all since I arrived here. Natural beauty and small businesses dominate the towns and rural areas with virtually zero billboard advertising and I have only seen seven McDonalds since arriving here. Seven in four states. Incredible really. The brain really has time to breathe and think with freedom without unsolicited distractions and I didn't expect that in the US.

After 8 hours of riding, I finally came to the place on the map that said “camping” but it was a general store. "What’s this then?" I mused. Well, after a brief enquiry they told me they accepted campers for free out the back. How good of them. So here I am. Typing away looking over a lake intermittently raising my head to see the sunset. It’s all very pleasant. Well, until I went in to grab a beer when I noticed NRA signs all over the store, this has confirmed my suspicions after seeing several "Don't Tread on Me" flags and plenty of aggressive political slogans in car windows, front lawns and convenience stores . Well, I’m certainly out of the liberal New England. I wonder if this is an ominous sign for the future.

Might get a gun just in case. It seems the sensible thing to do.

That's the closest one...
Obligatory EOD selfie.
6/17/2013 10:33:10 pm

I'm loving this blog Shaun!

I hoped to do US coast to coast when the mortgage and child had ceased to be a drain on resources, but I might just sell the house and son and do it sooner ;)

Keep pedalling!

Gary Wilmot
6/17/2013 10:39:14 pm

Is that where they make the chocolate?? :-S

6/17/2013 11:18:12 pm

You are so manly, shame your tan leaves you whiter than white.

Remember that>? How we laughed.

6/18/2013 07:21:11 am

Is you scared? Really enjoying hearing your adventures.

Lycra Cowboy
6/19/2013 01:22:42 pm

Nah, I'm out of that now. Back to the fear of thunderstorms.

Peter and Donna Ward
6/18/2013 11:36:54 am

Shaun, good going! You may try "horse linement" for the bum knee - smells wretched, but healing!! any farm store has this - as you are in NY with lots of farms you may see one. Good luck. Your travels and commentary are interesting and comical. Glad you went off track for better cycling!! Carry on - the beard is coming well!

Lycra Cowboy
6/19/2013 01:23:40 pm

Hmm, sounds interesting, and I do like strange medicine. It's feeling a bit better since I left the mountains behind, but I'm tempted to use this stinky stuff, anyway.

Brett E Carlock
6/20/2013 05:43:40 am

Hey Shaun, found the blag finally.

Glad to see you're still making great progress.

Nice to have had a chat and met you.


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