Today: 56.3 Miles - AVG Speed: 16.9 MPH - Top Speed: 31.3MPH
Total: 4,615.50 Miles

Today will most likely be heralded as one of the least glamorous days of the tour if it's heralded at all. I suppose it had a hard act to follow if the act in question was the previous three weeks (excluding injury). Scenes that included Glen Canyon, Bryce Canyon, The Grand Canyon, Zion National Park and numerous delightful small towns have today been replaced as we travelled on a long road with the greyest of skies only to arrive in the greyest of towns.

The satisfying aspect is that we are back en route to San Francisco. From the first stop in Cedar City 12 days ago to today we have been on a detour loop and retracing old steps, an almost twilight zone like experience if we compare it to the seemingly unstoppable march to the Atlantic of previous weeks. 

The forecast for the next five days is for thunderstorms and showers, but this could be a blessing as we are entering no-mans land. The map said that the only shelter from the sun east of Fallon, Nevada is three trees. East of Fallon in this case being 300 miles. In fact, one of the reasons todays ride was so short is that the next stop with services after Milford is 84 miles away. And after that it's a 63 mile stretch until a town, and after that 78 miles and so on and so forth. So to have some fluffy blanket shelter from the burning rays in a desert could be a great stroke of luck, unless lightening strikes, of course, in which case I will probably be the very definition of a lightening rod, and the only one in any given area, too.

So Milford, then. A town of 1,409 and a grave departure from the pristine, veneered quality of Cedar City. I had supposed all of these towns in Utah to be pretty and clean, but Milford looks as if it's on deaths door. This is the first town in a state of disrepair I have visited since the Rust Belt. It really doesn't have any charm or much to offer, although the few people I've spoken to have been as pleasant as ever, but there isn't anything to do, let alone see. Well, tomorrow I'll be departing Utah for good and entering Nevada, a milestone that will mean only one state line remains to be crossed and that is something to look forward to, as is entrance to a state known for it's scoundrels and libertarian state laws. The end of 3.2% beer and the prospect of gambling if I so choose. Might even place a £2 accumulator bet on the weekends Premiership matches whilst I'm there.

The Hotel Milford. 5*.
Bustling Main Street.
The rooms are actually perfectly fine.
8/28/2013 04:27:43 pm

"March to the Atlantic..."
Er, how much did you say you paid for those top of the range maps?!

Sophie N
8/28/2013 10:29:16 pm

I love how you are now saying 'we'. You and Betty remind me of Tom Hanks and Wilson in Castaway.


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