56.1 miles Avg 12.1MPH fastest 42.6MPH
Total 344.76

I awoke in my disused campground by the lake feeling a little mopey since my eyelids felt as if they’d been soldered together with glue. It took me a while to get going and I thought I’d start with a good old American diner breakfast to get me in to gear. I cycled the short journey to Ricky’s Diner and soon all the staff and patrons were asking questions about the trip. I felt a little like an after dinner speaker, except it was pre-breakfast and I’m not too sure what the market is like for them. I was casually interacting with one couple and when they left my server Joyce (pictured to the left) informed me that they had paid for my breakfast. I couldn’t believe the generosity of these people. Yet again Mainers continue to surprise me. Perhaps it’s more a question of me re-evaluating my reactions when people ask me for a favour as opposed to being so taken a back when others are so kind, either way, I was incredibly grateful. These people have made my journey fantastic so far.

So, it was with a heavy heart that I had to leave my beloved Maine, but not before I popped into an old Shell garage that was now a book and bric-a-brac store run by Pauline Lutte. She told me she and her husband ran the garage for 40 odd years, but when he died she turned it into this little treasure (pic below) she also told me I was her very first customer since she opened up for the season. It was a fitting interaction in which to leave Maine, which was now only half a mile from becoming an expired chapter on this trip.

But we must not mope over lost loves, on to the next state. The first treat New Hampshire had in store for me was a trip through the White Mountains and across the Kancamangus highway, the entire landscape was dotted with so many variants of lush green vegetation it felt as if they had been ordered from the Pantone booklet. I had been dreading today as there was a 2,855 foot climb over just 5 miles. The clock was ticking at 4 o’clock, but I thought I’d give it a crack anyway. And I won! In just over an hour of constant climbing my legs felt like they’d had a lap-dance off of Andre the Giant, but the psychological boost was fantastic, not to mention the downhill the other side. What a feeling those 90 minutes were. I’ve now set up camp in the White Mountains National Park and food has been stored away due to the fear of having a black bear using my face as a napkin after devouring my deliciously chewy thighs (oh yes, that they are). Oh, and I’ll get my lenses back tomorrow as Julie (of Penners’ fame) has sent them by UPS to a grocery store a few towns away. What a gal.

I’d now like to show you the transcript from a chat I had with Maine a few hours ago if I may. I’m sure she won’t mind, as we’ve been through this together…

“Maine, sssh, let me speak for a moment will you, you've been trying to seduce me from the moment I walked away from that plane. Now, we flirted for a while then we fell for each other. There were so many beautiful moments and not without some hairy ones too, of course. Oh, how we laugh at those tribulations now. I said ssshh, I haven’t finished. It’s a shame we never got to consummate our relationship as I would have loved nothing more than to plunge myself deep inside you for eternity, but it was too early for such a commitment, you know it and so do I. But know this, you’ll forever be in my heart, even when I’m hanging out the back of Ohio. Now please, let’s say nothing more as I ride off into the sunset.

I will love you always,

Lycra Cowboy”

Fucking beautiful.

Pauline outside her unique shop
I'm only one chapter in and it's really working
Goodbye Maine, hello French friendly aggressive slogan.
One of those nice bridges they have up here. 
Black Betty done good today, you can rest tonight, girl.
This didn't make me feel at all vulnerable. 
Someone's getting their fingers dirty... me, that's me.
6/11/2013 04:24:22 pm

Glad you're having a great time Shaun. I, of course, live my life according to Diane Von Furstenburg! Since I last saw you I have un-resigned (I'm such a twat). Keep on truckin'.

Lycra Cowboy
6/11/2013 11:19:58 pm

Well that's why I took a picture of it, of course. Oh, good. It must be for the love of the job.

6/12/2013 04:17:12 am

I read backwards from Day 5 (my personal favourite). You my dear, inspire me x x


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