Today: 142.1 Miles - Avg Speed - 16.9 MPH - Top Speed - 27.2MPH
Total: 3,205.9

Hola, Como Esta? I have reached my first Latin named town, do you think I’m going to fit in? Well, if I don’t, I’m pretty sure Betty will. Her ability to blend in with the locals in any place at any time is quite remarkable. I just have to make sure we don’t stay too long. We’ve got things to do for Christ sakes.

The day began in Sheridan Lake. A whopping grand town of 69 people, one convenience store and, somewhat disappointingly, no lake. We had spent our recovery day here in the church as a guest of Pastor Virgil Cristofferson. Yes, that is the best name I’ve ever heard, too. Well, it was until I met his children Vance and Von James, anyway. And not forgetting the very talkative 9 year old Victoria. You may notice a V theme emerging here. I'm not sure if its an omen from the beyond, but I began to get nervous as each subsequent V-name was reeled off.

We didn’t have much to do in Sheridan Lake, but that was fine by us after our 200 mile day. We needed all the rest we could get. But they say that the wicked don’t like to rest, and wicked we are, so today, we pressed on.

After 10 miles or so we began to make some steady climbs and we knew we were finally leaving the farmlands. The higher plains and drier fields really made us feel like we were Out West. Or getting there, at least. We eventually plateaued and hit many long stretches of road with only the grey asphalt, blue skies, green grass and sand-stones as the colours that greeted us. It didn’t feel particularly hot as we had good tailwinds and low-humidity for most of the day, but we were, in fact, riding through 103 Fahrenheit (39 Celsius) temperatures. It wasn’t that we weren't sweating, it was just that the heat was evaporating the stuff so quickly that we didn’t notice it.

We eventually caught up with the girls in Sugar City, Colorado. A town which had no claim to fame in the sweetening world. I must say I really am beginning to get a little riled by these misleading town names, I still have high hopes for Busty Maidenville, Utah, though, a man needs a dream. Anyway, we decided that it would be folly to waste the tailwinds and that we should push on to Pueblo, a city of 100,000 people. Eat that Sheridan Lake. But what really mattered was that it had bars and we were thirsty, plus it was Annie’s birthday so a celebration was in order.

We were pushed along by the winds and the sunset was truly beautiful as the red sky lit up the mixture of lush green rock faces and arid, dust filled land. The only blip was when I ran over a live snake. Poor bugger was on the road and I was chatting to Josh when I heard the distinctive squelch under my tyres. I felt bad, but then how dumb was the snake for negotiating a busy highway during rush-hour? Very dumb, I'd say.

We eventually arrived in Pueblo at nightfall and checked into The Travellers Motel. We had clocked 142 Miles today. This was my second longest ride just two days after my first. It was another great feeling, but we'll have a day off tomorrow as it was a tough one today, and also, it will be our final day together as a team as my friends begin to head up north along the continental divide whilst I skip over the thing. The Rockies are calling my name, and I'm told it could be as little as 40 Fahrenheit (5 Celsius). That should cool me down.

Bringing up the rear.
How comforting.
Gas (chocolate) stop.
Black Power.
Flying V in honour of Virgil and his clan.
Post snack gear mending. I helped by taking photos.
On the move.
...doesn't care about the lives of fortunately dominant mammals?
7/26/2013 04:46:11 am

Ah the dry air of eastern Colorado. Heard the humidity level actually went negative one day. About the town name, a lot of time people named there town and then ran ads in the papers back east, "Move to Pleasant Valley for a new life in God's bountiful country." Translated, "The railroad built a water tower here and we have some cactus."

I made the run from Cortez to Monticello in a truck a few times. Sparse but really neat countryside.

7/26/2013 09:07:36 am

looking good keep up the good work look after betty yes dear is what you should saying it does not allwasys work


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