62.3 Miles – Avg speed: 13.8 MPH – Top Speed – 21.8MPH
Total: 2,791.43

I know how this looks. Honestly, I do, but we had another day off yesterday. Please, before you call me out as some kind of fraud in the face of what may be perceived as laziness, allow me to explain: After I had finished my last entry I waddled off for some nutrition whilst awaiting the other riders to arrive. When I returned to the fire-station they were, unsurprisingly, waiting for me. Terrific, I thought, my pals are back and I don’t need to lie to myself by pretending to enjoy my own company anymore. Well, the guys told me not to worry about Betty’s issues as there was a new, non-advertised bike-shop in Newton who would not only work on BB, but also put us up for the night.

I packed my panniers and made the short journey to Newton Bike Shop where I met James and Joseph. James had just opened the shop 4 weeks ago and he said we were welcome to stay there and work on our bikes. Things were about to get geeky and boozy. The stereo was turned up to 11, and except for an unfortunate foray into the musical genre of “rap” we enjoyed a rowdy evening of very hard rock music whilst simultaneously removing the grime from our steeds. We were up until about 2am and it was the first time I had really engaged in the biking world, so to speak. James and the guys taught me much about the mechanics of bikes and, as a result, I learnt an awful lot. Perhaps one day this seed of knowledge will grow, so I too can open a bicycle shop in England and behave like a supercilious, sneering arse to every shy bike owner who walks through my doors with no idea how to fix it. That’s the dream, after all.

Well, Betty needed some extra work yesterday (new handlebars and tyres to be precise) so we got our hands dirty again. Later, we joined the weekly evening bike ride organised by James and his family that took us along the canal in Newton until we arrived at a coffee shop to see some live outdoor music and, with absolutely zero regard for the musician’s concentration and honour, had a competition to see who could ride a clown bike around the venue with the most grace. It was not I.

Today we were back on the road with a new addition in the form of muscle-bound Florida native Joe Sullivan. It was a return to the windy flats of Kansas, and that is really all can say about this place. It’s flat, hot, and windy. But at least that sky is still big.

We’re in another park and the mallards are swimming. It really is a beautiful night, and spoiled only by the sight of Eric hanging in my hammock. It’s as if Brian Blessed has just got back from a holiday to the sun and rocked up to perform an unwanted horizontal belly dance routine. And honestly, who’d want to see that.

Cleaning BB
New tat.
I'm not sure what's so super about it, but their confidence is impressive.
Help the Aged.
Departing Newton with the team. Some of them, at least.
I debated as to whether it was fair to post this image to the internet or not. I decided it was.
New Handlebars double up as workstation.
Betty's makeover was a shock at first, but I soon got used to it.
7/23/2013 03:52:49 am

Hi! Shaun!

Good to know you're back on the road and things go well. Here's the link to some pictures of you I took in Newton
For our part, I had an accident on the road to Madison, so we are back in Newton for me to recover completely. I hope to be back on the bike in about 2 weeks. Happy trails to you and your partners! Denise

Bobby Davro, Lionel Blair, Keith Chegwin, Jim Bowen
7/23/2013 05:01:09 am

Hi Shaun,
We at LWT are really enjoying the blog.
Bobby's out of plaster now which is a relief.
Ps that Jacky Chen place is no Tury Buffet is it?!

Always look on the bright side of life.


The Boys

7/24/2013 01:24:04 am

Thanks for stopping by our part of the word. Safe travels to you!

Shaun O'Dwyer
7/25/2013 03:33:54 am

Hi Denise,
This looks really painful. What happened to you? I hope you are able to ride again soon.


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