Today: 70.8 miles – AVG Speed 17.5MPH - Top Speed 34.5MPH
Total 2,507.88

It was a curious night tossing and turning on what was essentially an indoor sun-lounger, but hey, at least it was indoors. We had another late start this morning, Annie and Eric rustled up the coffee and superb eggs. They simply put some cheddar cheese in the scramble mix and voila! we have superb eggs. Why I’ve been microwaving them with milk for the last 10 years is beyond me. But you live and learn.

We hit the road and the first 15 miles were as hilly as our previous days, but then, just as we hit a big climb I looked at Kevin and said “What if this is some kind of early continental divide?” and when we reached the summit and surveyed the land on the other side it was far flatter than we had been tackling for the past week. I felt like some kind of spandex-clad soothsayer. We were finally leaving The Ozarks behind and entering the mid-west prairies. The change was dramatic, after just 10 minutes we saw our first cacti and had a real feeling that we were finally headed west. 

We stopped for lunch at Cooky’s Café in Golden City and the bleak town defied the optimistic name, but we had been hearing about Cooky’s and their famous pies since Farmington we were itching to get in and throw some baked goods down our necks. It took me a short while to get my order in as the server wouldn't stop remarking on my Australian accent, but we managed to have a conversation and get the order heard with the help of my travelling translators. I just wanted some pie, for goodness sakes. Anyway, once the order was dispatched, delicious food devoured and the bill paid we exited stage left to hit the road once more. And hit it we did, the tailwind had us going at approx. 22MPH for 35 Miles, this was a beautiful feeling, at this rate we were, in no time, in Kansas.

Kansas has been on my mind more than any other state since the beginning of the trip. For a start, it’s in the middle. It is flat. There is nothing. The opposite of everything I have experienced and have yet to. It is bicycling purgatory. And for these reasons it also holds some mystique. What does nothing look like, exactly.

We have holed up at a Super 8 Motel for two nights as we are having a post mountain rest day, but with that rest day, talk has begun of a potential 200-mile day. Incredibly tough considering our baggage, but with a tailwind, it is possibly achievable. Although, this idea has been planted with the assistance of Busch lager. Having said that, the lager is only 3.2.% in accordance with Kansas law, so inebriation is no excuse.

TransAm Traveller.
The beers here go down real smooth.
Cacti No.1 
2 cool cars, 2 ace perspectives, 1 Lycra Cameraboy
Biking triumvirate.
Snug fit.
Peter and Donna Ward
7/19/2013 12:04:58 pm

Shaun, you have passed the halfway mark in miles - kudos to you!! You will have flat terrain in Kansas and keep an eye for Toto!! You should have beautiful skies the further west you go - gorgeous sunsets.


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