Today 91 miles - Avg13.9MPH - Top Speed - 38.5MPH
Total: 1,884.9

So I spent Independence Day evening watching Independence Day the film. What a load of old tosh, that is. I was all geared up for some patriotism by proxy, but felt terribly let down in the end. Seriously, Bill Pullman as president? Will Smith as a world-leading fighter pilot by his mid twenties and Randy Quaid as a deluded psychotic who thinks people are out to get him? Oh, wait.

Anyway, time waits for no movie critic, so with some sleep and a pizza behind me I made way back into the wilderness for another day on my willing mule. I was flying up and down hills all morning and felt like my fitness had come on immeasurably since day one. Now I know that sounds like a boast, but this past month of relentless riding has improved my endurance more than you can imagine. I completed 90 odd miles today without a problem. This was but a pipe dream one month ago when I struggled on a 30 mile test ride in England. Today it was reality.

I only had a quick break, and this was in the town of Hawesville where I stopped at Irby’s Restaurant. I loved the interior of the place. It was a vast room, which didn’t lend itself to intimacy, but it felt like a Wild West saloon. The booths and design had real charm, and I couldn’t help but think that a place like this would charge £3.50 for a coffee in London (England, not Ohio). After I finished my BBQ pulled pork sandwich I stepped out to be on my way, only to notice the tail end of a concert being held by what I later discovered was a local pastor outside the courthouse (you can see, but mainly hear it below). The whole thing was being filmed by local news, and - from across the street – me. It was the most overt display of patriotism I'd witnessed since I arrived in the US thus far. Of course, it is July 4th weekend, so no surprises, but wow. I have to say that this was the first time I have felt intimidated by this kind of allegiance-to-the-flag outpouring of emotion since I arrived. I’m never comfortable around it at the best of times as I happen to think its rather dangerous, but I felt today that if, hypothetically, anyone were to voice an opinion on the contrary to that of the majority in regards to America’s incontrovertible greatness then the repercussions would be very harsh. There's something very systematic yet blindly bombastic about all of this and it just made me want to get on my bike and pedal, I'm sorry to say.

That pedalling has brought me to Owensboro, Kentucky tonight and to another motel. Yes, I know it’s not very naturalistic of me, but its going to storm again, and I think Deep Impact may be on. That’s worth the $50 alone.

There was no one home. I think he may be lost, boys. Let's find him.

Not that exciting a scene, I grant you. But it was the best vista of the day.
Pastor Herschel Morgan has a last minute loss of faith in his congregation's vocabulary. 
Anyone need anything when I'm out? Groceries? Bible verses? You mention it.
Cool restaurant interior
Hawesville Methodist Church employ David Brent as senior copywriter
Now that's a beautiful sky.

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