Today 60.27 - Avg Speed 12.2MPH - Top Speed 28.6MPH
Total: 1,347.9 Miles

Today was probably one of the shortest in mileage since the trip started. “What a lazy bum”, you may think. Perhaps you’re right, but the next nearest camp site was 30 miles away, and I wasn’t prepared to make that sacrifice. I’ve realised that I’ve been pushing a little too hard, often not getting to campsites until seven o’clock at night leaving me very little time to enjoy the evenings, so I have started to reign it in a tad. I hope this doesn’t make any of you think less of me, I’ll still aim for at least 60 a day. Promise.

There was a steep climb this morning, 1,100 foot over just 1.5 miles. Fortunately the cloud cover stopped me resembling a randy otter over the course of the ascent. Although there was some lactic acid eating away at my muscles I did feel pretty good. I guess those 1,300 miles combined with a dramatic decrease in self-intoxication are paying off.

I had lunch in the town of Medina today and it was a very pretty place, many of the small towns I visit are, they seem to almost have a naïve dreamlike quality about them. It was in Medina that I was yet again mistaken for an Australian, and yesterday someone thought I was South African, which we all know is definitely worse. The problem with todays mishap is that the lady in question had lived in England recently. Maybe it is me. Either way, can some of you please step forward and clear this up. I don’t have the nerve to record my own voice and play it back in case I sound like Kevin the Teenager.

I arrived at my campsite at approximately 5:30pm tonight, this did indeed give me plenty of time to enjoy the evening, I lazily pitched my tent, gave Betty a quick oiling and cooked some bacon for my morning bagels. It was all very civilised, that was until I went to look for my wallet. I checked each bag twice then started to panic, I then emptied each bag. Nothing. I thought then I may have left it in the supermarket so I dropped my beer (carefully) then pedalled over to the front office as fast as I could. The assistant helped me find the number for the supermarket and I called. I couldn’t even speak properly I was so flustered.

“Hi, I was wondering if I can help me, I think you may have lost your wallet in my car park”

“Calm down sir, are you the biker? If so, we have it”

Thank God, It’ll take an hour out of my day tomorrow to retrieve the damn thing, but its preferable to the alternative. Actually, the alternative is not losing it at all, but its better than not finding it at any rate.

Well, I’ll relax now knowing all is safe in downtown Wellington, OH where my wallet is being kept in a glass plinth waiting for its rightful owner. In the meantime, I’m going to retrieve that beer and watch the sunset over the lake now I can finally relax before the predicted storms arrive, I can spot some lightening over yonder as I type. Hell, I might just do 80 again tomorrow if this is what happens when I’m trying to relax.

P.S. the picture on the top left is what happens when you don't know the gopro is taking pictures.

free hugs if anyone can name the song this town is referenced in.
I did that.
Spot the tent in the rammed campground.
6/28/2013 11:59:20 am

Hey SPO'D, T.R. ("Thunder Rod" ) here. That's my former porn name, but I've left that life behind. Now I just hold the hands of lonely cross-country cyclists, especially those crossing the country in the wrong direction. (ie: east to west!)
For your entertainment I will keep you guessing about the TR (for now). Maybe you could make a few guesses of your own, SP

Lycra Cowboy
6/30/2013 02:28:19 am

Trevor Rainier
Tyson ReLange
Terry Reynolds
Travis Rasputin
Thomas Rinkleflonk

I could go on...

6/29/2013 02:02:20 am

Hey Shaun, I just read all 18 days in one sitting and loved it! V vivid and hilarious, what an extra-ordinary journey you're taking, so glad you've taken the time to do it too. You can come home and settle down ha ha!! We miss you loads in the department Shaun-ey, keep safe, that GoPro is fab, that descent brave.Love Serena xx

Lycra Cowboy
6/30/2013 02:26:50 am

Hi love, all in one sitting? That's a Blogathon, isn't it? Perhaps you should've been sponsored for doing that.

I'm glad you like it. I'll be back soon enough so keep my seat warm.


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