77.2 Miles Avg. 14.6MPH Fastest Speed 22.1MPH

Total: 984 Miles

So I should have put “2 Nations” on the homepage, too. I didn’t realise until two days ago that I would be popping over to our still-technically-colonised-little-sister for a bit. If I had, I probably wouldn’t have been so rude. Not that I’m too worried, Canada punches like a girl who can't punch.

The day started fantastically. I woke at 7 with a calm sun piercing through my tent, and what a sight I had, pitched next to the canal without a cloud in the sky. I packed up my gear, had another fat boys brekkie and started along the canal. Again, I was greeted to a number of idyllic towns that looked frozen from a different era. You can see from the picture in Albion below that they look as if they could be from a prohibition era movie. As I took some snaps I thought that maybe I could become a location scout for movies. It sounds like too much hard work, though. I’ll probably just keep trekking on my bicycle taking snaps for fun.

I was moving pretty fast today and was at the border in just a few hours. I must admit I felt a little on parade as I was the only bike in a sea of cars, but I like that, as does Betty. She’s a right exhibitionist, this one. She seems to get more confident as each day goes by. Slut.

I had found a hostel on a map and used my sixth-sense (eyes) to locate it. I was greeted by Charlie, the giggling Quebecois proprietor, and after a quick shower and much needed trip to the Laundromat - I had one pair of socks that actually smelt like glue - I went down to The Falls themselves…

…Now, as spectacular as these 10,000 year old beauties are, no thinking person can possibly overlook the utter mess created around it. Everywhere the eye shoots there are casinos, neon, and shops selling utter crap. It’s all dreadfully disappointing that the government would sell off such a sacred sight that they should be honoured to have in search of the quick buck. And it does matter, as it severely scars what should be uninterrupted awe-inspiring viewing. It’s a bit like having “God, God, God” in angled flashing, neon letters nailed to the side of Durham cathedral. Or noticing a hairy tumour on the side of Mila Kunis’ face.

But they are spectacular, and if you can just shut the conscious part of your brain off for a minute and suspend your disbelief they are magnificent, relentless beasts of great wonder. Despite all the shit, I’d still recommend a visit.

I’ll hang around the parks here tomorrow on my day off as the forecast, or radar says it's to be a beauty, and perhaps I’ll have a tete-a-tete with Charlie back at the hostel, which of course won’t need translating.

like a back-lot film set.
The only bike.
Welcome to Lycra Cowboy. You'll never discover him.
At Dusk.
At day.
At me?
Peter and Donna Ward
6/23/2013 11:35:06 am

50 years ago we were there for our "honeymoon". No neon signs or casinos then. So too bad to take such beauty and turn it into a tourist trap. Back then it was the Wax Museum on Canadian side and Maid of the Mist boat ride on the American side as attractions. Enjoy!!


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